Josie Blaze - Standard Poodle
"In every Poodle puppy lies versatility.
It is your responsibility to develop
and enjoy it."
    Versatility In Poodles

Josie's Pedigree

Certificates Awards and Titles

At the Dog Park, May, 2004
"It's hot out here!" "Running and playing is hard work!" Josie and Jackson (Another Black Standard) Playing (A short video)

Playing in the back yard, June, 2004
Playing Frisbee Playing Frisbee 2 Playing Frisbee 3

Obedience Training, July, 2004
Concentration Portrait

Therapy Dog International Portraits, October, 2004
Smiling Sitting Pretty

OCOTC Fun Match, January, 2005
"Halt" Heeling Heeling Heeling (off leash)

OCOTC Obedience Trials, April, 2005
"1st Place Novice A
(Trial 1)"
1st Place Novice A
(Trial 2)
Trial 2 again

Wikipedia Water Dog Picture
(under Gundog article) May, 2005

Begging for attention
(Sept. 05)