Christianity and Politics

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"'One has to realize what communism [Marxism] is,' insisted Father Seraphim Rose. 'Not merely a power-mad political regime, but an ideological-religious system whose aim is to overthrow and supplant all other systems, most of all Christianity.
'Communism is actually a very powerful heresy whose central thesis . . . is chiliasm or millennialism: history is to reach its culmination in an indefinite state of earthly blessedness, a perfect mankind living in perfect peace and harmony.'
'Communism specifically attacked the land[s] which had most nearly retained her [their] ancient Christian traditions – Holy Russia [Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Serbia]. Propaganda portrayed Bolshevism as a political/social uprising, which is what gullible individuals throughout the world still imagine it to have been. But the “revolution” was far more than this – it was actually a battle against Christianity.
'The Bolesheviks hated not only the emperor, but everything he represented. They were not content to see him deposed, but wanted him and every member of his family killed, so that the ancient link of Christian monarchy extending back to Constantin the Great would be forever severed.
'The Russian Revolution was clearly satanic, and its entire success depended on the extermination of the last Christian monarch. It communism had failed in Russia, it would have died the inglorious death it deserved.'" -- Fr. Seraphim Rose


"I used to dream of a post-religious America, and I thought it would turn into an enlightened place... and instead, we just got Q-Anon" -unknown